Monday, January 14, 2013

Obama Discussion

1)      How well did she achieve the goals of sharing relevant information with someone in the audience? She made excellent eye contact, spoke clearly and with confidence and commitment for the cause and smiled frequently.  She did well in achieving the goals of sharing relevant information.  She started by stating how much she and audience were “so much alike, connected”.  She talked about having values and how America is a great country and has potential to grow into an even better country and how each of us contribute to the United States, the next generation, hope vs. fear, and doubt vs. dreams.

 2)      What credentials did she share about her husband? She said that he was much like her coming from a blue collar past, poor, you can trust his word what he says is what he means and what he intended to set out to do, believes in hard work and that striving to succeed only comes with hard work, he believes in treating everyone with dignity and respect regardless of their background, he came from a single mom home, fatherless and raised by grandparents in Hawaii, has a history of working with displaced workers due to steel collapse and has a history of working with intercity children to improve their neighborhoods, he supports that everyone should be able to move from welfare to jobs, children should be able to obtain good quality education from preschool through 12 and on to college and women should get equal pay for equal jobs done, he believes in working together and standing together to achieve, he supports service people and their military support for our country, and how military people deserve good jobs, good health care and mental health care when they return from service, and he has love for his country.   

 3)      Does she convey too much information? How? No she doesn’t give too much information. She talked about welfare to  jobs, children with after school care, women equal pay as the same work as men, the end of the war, healthcare,  how there is a plan to end the war, improve health care, and improve the educational process.

4)      Do you think it was persuasive? Yes I do. She connected well with the audience and made them feel that she and her husband were just like everyone else in the room with the same situations, hope for tomorrow and love of country and how everyone could join in the growth of this country and she inspired the audience to change the world.  She connected everyone in the room by identifying herself as a mom and wife with a professional career and she then brought in examples of other famous people like Martin Luther King for the black population, Hilary Clinton and the glass ceiling for working and career females, and Joe Biden for the professional white collar population. She received very positive feedback from her audience.

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