Sunday, May 4, 2014

Do Women Feel Pressured to be Thin Because of Advertising?

1.         1)  Gender stereotypes portrayed by the media influence women’s view that being thin is better.
                           Thin Women:
§  Confident
§  Conceited
§  Superficial
§  Vain
                           Obese Women:
§  Lazy
§  Insecure
§  Giving
§  Passive
§  Careless
Researchers at The George Washington University found that the heavier a woman is, the lower her salary. Overweight women they studied earned as much as $5,826 less than their normal-weight peers—that is, if they got the job at all (Fat and I know it). This study also found that employers would rather hire a less qualified thin person than a more qualified overweight person because they apply the sloppy-lazy-slow stereotypes to the way she’d do her job.
2.      2) Media portrayal of dieting influences young teenagers feel pressure to diet.
A survey conducted by Sugar magazine, which surveyed over 500 teenage girls between the ages of 12 to 18, found that 51% have dieted, 78% worry about their weight, and 58% worry about their looks all the time. 
3.      3) Media portrayal of beauty products makes women feel pressure to wear makeup.
  Women spend $7 billion a year on makeup.
   Girls as young as 5 start using makeup because of media advertising and influence from     their mothers.

I do believe that media does influence women to be thin.

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