Sunday, May 4, 2014

Oxford Oil

Retter needs to keep in mind his audience. Overall he will experience a positive response due to the town attorney, independent engineer and mayor that are already in favor of the project. The community members are well-educated, well-read, well-informed, affluent and politically active, but he does have a referendum vote to address due to a pocket of people he still has to convince.  The community has questions about pollution, air quality, emissions, and black smoke that could result from the plant.
Retter has a good plan of multiple community meetings over a one week period and he needs to offer different times with different locations. He needs to invite the media, offer a question and answer time and give clear statements about the project while distributing updated brochures. He needs to reinforce the positives of the tire recycle process, ecology advantages, the 80 new jobs and the $250,000-$350,000 revenue the community will receive. The company will minimize the pollution, waste by-product will become fertilizer, planned traffic control, landscaping around the perimeter and a barrier to minimize the sound. He needs to be sure to include only facts that the company will be able to deliver.

There needs to be a press release printed in the newspaper so residents that were not able to attend stay informed and include a phone number where residents can express questions or concerns. Retter needs to keep the community engaged by offering monthly meetings with updates and continuously address concerns from the community.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh thats grate work done by you….keep rocking dear.Self assessment oxford