Saturday, May 17, 2014

Reflection Paper: An Inconvenient Truth

      In 2006, former Vice President Al Gore produced a documentary called “An Inconvenient Truth.” In this documentary he included scientific analysis of the deterioration of the protective ozone layer of the Earth, trapped CO2 causing the greenhouse effect and consequent warming of the Earth’s atmosphere and mankind’s contribution to this process, accelerated by use of fossil fuels. He presented that Earth’s future is at stake if drastic measures are not taken by mankind to help slow down and correct this process.  
                  I had the awesome pleasure of being able to attend one of Al Gore’s presentations.  He explained global warming and how it causes the ocean temperature to rise and storms that form in the ocean to get stronger. In addition there are several ecological problems that can occur due to global warming. Some of the problems are: bleached coral reefs, extinction of animal species, melting of the glaciers, drowning of the polar bears because the ice is melting, chicks and caterpillars hatching earlier, new diseases and the re-emergence of old diseases that were under control. What I found extremely interesting is that ice bubbles trapped thousands of years ago in glaciers can tell us exactly what year the bubble was formed and what the temperature was during that year.
     Immediately after his presentation I purchased the DVD “An Inconvenient Truth” and watched its’ content in its entirety. I support Gore’s documentary because the Earth’s climate activity is changing, however the Earth could be experiencing a warming trend to cool again in the future as past history indicates.
    Gore’s documentary has experienced extreme criticism and has been critiqued by a variety of disciplines. A poll was taken on public perceptions about global warming.
% agree
(US) Global Warming is very/extremely important[26]
(International) Climate change is a serious problem.[28]
(International) Human activity is a significant cause of climate change.[27]
(US) It's necessary to take major steps starting very soon.[27]
(Weart, 2007).

    The debate continues even though many denounce its accuracy. There does seem to be a scientific consensus that mankind is warming the Earth, but politics and debates within the media have slowed down the work to prevent future warming and correct past emissions.
     The documentary film, "An Inconvenient Truth," provides an unequivocally thorough and critical analysis of the Earth’s current environment that is experiencing climate change and global warming. Gore educates, instills interest, raises awareness and advocates for a need to change the thinking for the benefit of the future.
     Before I went to this presentation I did not understand the changes occurring to the Earth. Seeing his facts, diagrams, and pictures made me realize that something needs to be done no matter how small. I had always been a minor ecologist by nature; however after this presentation I became more serious about the Earth. I actively collect pop cans for return, pick up trash along the road, turn off the lights when I leave the room, turn off electronics when I am not using them, recycle everything possible, stopped using aerosols and turn off the water when I brush my teeth. These are just some of the things that I do to help the Earth on a daily basis. I initiated a recycling program at my high school because of Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” and its impact upon me. My high school recycles pop cans and paper because I encouraged and collected these items every day.
         It upsets me when people do not help the Earth. I educate and remind the people around me to recycle, turn off the lights or do any action that can help the Earth. One of the selling points for me to come to Alfred State College was because there was on campus recycle awareness with receptacles. The smallest things can make the greatest difference to strive towards improvement of mankind’s future and it is amazing the impact that one person makes.

Works Cited
“An Inconvenient Truth.” Retrieved from Retrieved April 29, 2014.

Weart, Spencer (2007). "The Public and Climate Change."The Discovery of Global Warming. American Institute of Physics. Retrieved May 1, 2014.

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