Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wolf of a Day

Wolves, the first reaction that people usually have about them is that they are vicious and terrible creatures. But in reality they are really is one of the gentlest creatures you will ever meet. Mission Wolf is an organization that travels all around the country educating people about the importance of wolf preservation. They came to CCC and gave a hands on presentation with the wolves present. The headquarters for this organization is in Westcliffe, Colorado. The refuge in Colorado currently houses up to 40 wolves. The refuge provides a safe and non stressful environment for the wolves to live in peace away from people. Mission Wolf strives to reduce the number of wolves in captivity. The program teaches people about the tragedy of wolves in captivity. Wild animals do not make good pets. They belong in the wild. A lot of farmers and people kill the wolves. If the people only understand the wolves’ behavior instead of killing them people would not be afraid of them. They are just as scared of you as you are of them. They want to say hi and lick your face. Mission Wolf shows the importance of wolf recovery, and the enhancement of remaining ecosystems. This program inspires people to get involved in conservation and preservation of ecosystems. All the souvenirs that Mission Wolf sells 100% of all the proceeds goes to the wolves to save them from future generations.

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