Thursday, January 23, 2014

Gender Effects on Emotional Advertising

Research Methods
Professor Bresmer
December 12, 2013


Research has explored the relationship between males’ and females’ emotion to advertising (Fisher & Dub, 2005) and if males’ and females’ react differently in varying social contexts (Barrett, Pietromonaco, & Eyssell, 1998). Another study examined if art affected males’ and females’ emotions/moods to art and whether it was a negative or positive affected (Dalebroux, Goldstein & Winner, 2008).  Other research has explored what effects males’ and females’ product buying patterns (Timmer & Katz-Navon, 2008).  This research measured the variables of gender, age, area of educational study, negative and positive emotions experienced and the intensity felt in relationship to an art illustration mounted on a vehicle that was used to promote sales.  This study examined the response to emotional advertising.
       Upon review of the literature there are several articles that attempt to measure gender, age, and emotions to advertising. According to Fisher & Dub, 2005, the main idea of this research article was gender similarities and emotional experience. After review of current literature, emotional experiences between the genders revealed mixed results. The authors set out to determine if gender makes a difference in responses to advertising.  In the past, women were self-reported as being more emotional than men and found that if men were emotional, they generally expressed anger.
               In this research article, the hypothesis was “Do males and females react differently to emotional advertising?” Before the research was conducted there were a group of 32 judges that viewed 15 ads and selected 4 that in their opinion solicited a variety of emotions. The judges were undergraduate business students that did not participate in the research study. The ads were associated with emotional descriptors which included high and low, and positive and negative responses. 
            There were a total of 160 participants; 40 male and female pairs that knew each other. Participants were recruited through signs located throughout the campus of a major Northeastern university. Recruitment was accomplished by posting signs to “attract” same-gender and mixed-gender pairs to participate. The participants were randomly assigned to view the ads as pairs or individuals. After viewing each ad, participants answered a questionnaire using items from the established Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance 8 Point Scale asking questions that ranged from unhappy to contented. This self-reported scale was taken before the viewing of the ads to determine where the participants were emotionally before viewing the ads. The participants were randomly placed into viewing areas in couples, or alone to measure gender response and if social context had anything to do with their reaction. Immediately after viewing each ad, the researchers answered a six point Attitude Scale ranging from “bad” to “loved it” to measure their self-reported attitude, before viewing the next ad. The outcome of the research raised the possibility that females and males had the same emotional responses and it did not matter whether they sat with the same gender or with the opposite gender or by themselves.
             The research seemed to be well thought out and the research process did attempt to prevent many pitfalls. The students were asked to volunteer to participate and were randomly arranged however, there was no indication if their confidentiality was protected. The selection of participants was done by questionable means. The researchers shared that signs were posted to “attract” people to participate.  It was not disclosed by the researchers what the signs actually said. They advertised for same-gender and mixed-gender couples, but did not define what this meant. The selection of participants was limited because they could only participate if they had an associate that was willing to participate as well.
           The site of the study was “a Northeastern University” which makes the reader wonders why they did not disclose the site. The researchers did not share if confidentiality was maintained and how they kept responses properly assigned for later tabulation. The group that determined which ads would fall into which category were undergraduate business students. They did not participate in the study, but the group did all belong to a school of business and the validity of their opinions about emotional responses to the ads is questionable, as their field of study could have skewed their opinions. The research was vague about actual participants, and did not indicate their ages (assumed to be college age) or majors which could have had an impact on their emotional impressions of the ads. The use of the established scales was a good strategy as well as being sure that each participant viewed the ads and then immediately completed the emotional response scale before moving on to view the next ad. Having couples participate that already had knowledge of the other should have helped correlate if their emotions were affected when they were with someone else, but that cannot truly be assured.
        Barrett, Pietromonaco, & Eyssell in 1998 conducted a research study that sampled 104 students; 56 students from the University of Massachusetts and 48 students from Pennsylvania State University. Only 70 students chose to participate; 28 males and 42 females. They were encouraged to participate by receiving course credit and being entered into a lottery drawing for 50 dollars.
         The study wanted to know “whether sex differences and emotion are related to the social context and address differences between global, retrospective, online, momentary, and self-descriptions of emotional experience and expression.” The researchers were attempting to find out if women are more emotional than men.
         Participants were given a code number and were not identified by name to maintain confidentiality. Before entering the room the participants had to rate their mood based on a self-reported Likert Scale which ranged from "do not like at all” to “strongly agree.” The participants were brought into a laboratory setting three different times. The first time the participants were encouraged to keep records of their social interactions with other people for a week. When they came in for the second visit, the participants returned the completed record.  When the participants came in the third time, the experimenter interviewed the participants to make sure they followed the directions.
        The participants completed another self-reported Likert Scale where they did a self-analysis of their social interaction that they logged for the week describing the quality and the emotion of the interaction and rated their intimacy with the person they interacted with.
         The results of the study provides some evidence that culturally, women are seen as more emotional than men but the results of this study indicated that neither men nor women are any more emotional than the other.
          The research did attempt to protect the confidentiality of the participants which is good; how participants were recruited was not indicated. The number females drastically outnumbered the male participants. This may skew the results, especially considering the fact that the researchers were attempting to determine if females react emotionally more than males.  Offering course credit and a chance at lottery money would encourage students to participate, however it could affect the outcome of the study by having participants that were motivated due to outside influences rather than desire for research.
           Dalebroux, Goldstein, & Winner, 2008 had the hypothesis that stated, “Can short-term moods be repaired through making art?” There were 75 participants; 53 female and 22 male ages 18-22, which were undergraduates from a Psychology Department, from the same college, and participated at random. The participants were randomly placed in 3 groups and viewed a film, “Band of Brothers Concentration Camp.” This was a film that highlighted concentration camps during WWII.  Participants were given a self-report to gauge their mood after viewing the movie.  This study implemented a chi square analysis and an Affect Grid Scale which has been shown to be valuable and reliable by repeated and consistent results use in previous research studies.
        The participants were split into three groups after viewing the film; 25 participants in each group. 25 participants were placed in a group called venting and were asked to draw art scenes that depicted their current mood, 25 participants were placed in a group called fantasizing and were asked to draw pictures depicting something that made them feel “happy”, and the control group consisted of 25 participants that were placed in a group called distracted and were asked to scan sheets of specific symbols.
        Moods were assessed using the Affect Grid Scale after each activity and the preliminary evidence suggests that the participants who drew happy pictures felt more positive and had rid themselves of negative feelings. Those who drew negative pictures maintained a negative mood and the control group had no change in mood.
       The conclusion of the study provided some evidence that when people vent by utilizing art such as drawing, they do not rid themselves of their own negative emotions, however when people who have a negative mood are asked to draw a happy picture, it requires them to fantasize. The brain function of fantasizing is what makes the person feel better.
         One concern about this study is that the number of females was more than two times the number of males and all undergraduate students from the same field of study, psychology. This factor may not affect the research, but is to be considered. Random selection of participates was done, but how was not indicated and there was no indication that their confidentiality was protected in any way.  There was no pre-viewing assessment evaluating the participant’s moods so it is difficult to measure how much the film actually affected them. 
        Timmor & Katz-Navon in 2008 conducted a study in which they questioned, “What affects customers to purchase new products?” The study was conducted by the Arison School of Business at a university in Herzliya, Israel. There were 158 undergraduate students that participated in the research study. A brain storming event occurred among the researchers and three students who did not participate in the study to identify the new products to be researched in the study. A pilot study was conducted among 50 students before the 158 students were polled. The researchers requested that each participant answer a questionnaire that indicated their reaction to new products: a cell phone with camera, memory stick, and a new fashion item. The fashion item was not specified by the researchers, however each participant had to identify a new fashion item of their choice and rate the item.
          The participants were asked to respond to Brewer’s self-reported 5 point Likert scale, ranging from “do not agree” to “agree”, measuring need for assimilation and need for distinctiveness. The researchers studied correlation coefficients and the variables included assimilation vs. distinctiveness (participants want what others have vs. wants to be different). Assimilation means “purchasing to belong to a larger group as a whole.” Distinctiveness means “desiring to be different.” The study did raise the possibility that when consumers are getting ready to buy a new product, the higher the number of perceived consumers that own the product, the higher the correlation of the consumer purchasing the product. The researchers did note that marketers advertise and promote products by giving the impression that everyone has or will need the product. This action by marketers skewed results of the study because participants had already been exposed to the promotion of the product, even though the items were new on the market. 
         The researchers did not indicate what school of study the participants were from, what ages (assumed 18-25 years), how they were selected, what sex they were, or if their confidentiality was protected. Any of these variables could affect the outcome of the research.  The reader questions why the researchers had each participant think of and react to a new fashion item.  Possibly more consistent results would have occurred if the researchers had selected a fashion item for the participants to assess. 
         Another variable that was not explored was if the participants had the financial ability to purchase the products. Being college students could affect their financial purchasing power and this variable could have affected their reaction to the product knowing that they were unable to actually purchase it. The participants may actually want the new products, but do they really need the product. This could have entered into their reaction towards the products. 
          There is an indication in all four research studies of further research needing to be done.    Fisher in 2005 examined if there are gender differences in responses to emotional advertising.  Barrett in 1998 examined women versus men emotional experiences within a social context.  Dalebroux in 2008 examined the effect of positive art versus negative art on human emotions.Timmer in 2008 examined what factors affect the success of the marketing of a new product.
       Each research article was selected due to the concepts related to my hypothesis, “Do pickup tailgate illustrations affect people positively or negatively?” Even though there is research in the literature that examines art, gender, and human emotions, there is no research related to the way wrap-around illustrations on vehicles are perceived and in turn, affect individuals. If I were to conduct my own study, I would have 100 randomly selected participants including 50 males and 50 females which would include 25 Caucasian males, 25 Caucasian females, 25 non-Caucasian males and 25 non-Caucasian females. Within the study is a variety of age groups from 11 years of age and older, from a variety of undergraduate programs, classes, and faculty and students from a local junior/senior high school.


The hypothesis for my research study is, “Do pickup tailgate illustrations affect people positively or negatively?”  The employees at an advertising company in Waco, Texas had a female coworker lay down in the cargo section of a pickup truck. A photograph was taken of her, was transferred onto a plastic vehicle wrap and mounted to the closed tailgate of the pickup truck. She was unidentifiable because her hair obscured her face. She was lying down in a fetal position and her hands and feet were bound with rope. This photograph was so convincing that I was unable to determine that the image was not a real person contained in the back of a truck. Multiple feelings began to flood my mind and even though I strongly disagreed with the illustration, I did view it as a form of art. I began wondering if I was particularly sensitive or if others would experience a similar emotional response of the intensity level that I did. I wondered if the participants’ gender, age, and area of study would affect their perspective.
       For my research I would print colored still shots from the CNN video of the bound woman illustration. One still shot would be of the illustration on the pick-up tailgate when it is up. The second still shot would be of the illustration on the pick-up tailgate when it is down. I would allow participants to view the first still shot while the second still shot was hidden.  Afterwards, they would view the second still shot. The measuring tool of this study would be a self-reported, five-question, five-point Likert scale questionnaire, gathering demographic information and the participants’ emotions and their degree of emotion after viewing the still shots. The researcher feels that studying this hypothesis will be beneficial to a career in human services management.  Understanding gender and potential ethical dilemmas will enhance the researchers understanding of emotional reactions and the management of those emotions.  

       The pictures would be shown as follows:

All the participants will be volunteers and randomly selected. They will have the option to refuse at any time and they will be anonymous and confidential. The population that I have selected will be in the educational setting at Alfred State College with a total student body of 3,549 and a local high school with a total student body of 555, because they are the most accessible. There will be a total of 100 people surveyed.
         The survey begins by collecting demographic information such as: gender, ethnicity, age and area of study.  It includes a 3-point Liker Scale asking emotional responses; 1 a positive emotion to 3 a negative emotion. A 5-point Liker Scale is used to measure the level of intensity of their emotions ranging from; 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. This is non-experimental research and will occur in a natural, existing setting. The variables involved in the study will be: gender, ethnicity, and age, area of study, emotions and intensity of emotions. According to the literature, sex should have an effect on emotional response to advertising. Ethnicity will be interesting to measure because I found no literature in relation to this perspective. Age may affect emotions because older persons may be more reserved than younger people. I thought I would ask for the field of study to see if that would have any influence.  In other research studies that I read, the majority of participants and/or researchers seemed to be within a particular area of study.   want to sample randomly with the goal of polling people from multiple areas of study to see if there is any correlation. For consistency I formulated a short explanation of the project so that I remain consistent each time I ask someone to participate.  I do not want to influence the participants by explaining more or less.
         Hi. I am Lynnette Lockwood. I am doing a short research project. I would like you to look at a picture and then answer 6 questions for me. Your answers will be strictly confidential because you will not be identified in any way. Are you willing to participate?

My questionnaire is shown below.

11. What gender do you most identify with? (Please circle one) 

·         male
·         female
·         transgender
·         other

22.  How old are you? (Please circle one)

·         11-18 years old
·         19-30 years old
·         26 years of age or older

  1. What is your area of study?

  1. When you viewed the pickup truck illustration, what did you feel?  (Please circle one)

·         a positive emotion 
·         no emotion
·         a negative emotion 

55.  How intensely did you feel about this illustration?  (Please circle one)

·                     strongly disagree
·                     disagree
·                     do not agree or disagree
·                     agree
·                     strongly agree   

  Caucasian Females (high school)


A total of 83 people were surveyed. Of the 83, 51 of them were from a local high school and 32 were from the Alfred State College. Out of the 51 at the high school, 11 were Caucasian males between 11-18 and 1 Caucasian male between 19-25, 11 Caucasian males 26 years or older. Of the 51 surveyed, 15 were Caucasian females 11-18 and 13 Caucasian females 26 years or older.
              Of the 32 surveyed from Alfred State College there were 10 Caucasian males 19-25, 8 Caucasian females 19-25 years of age. There were no 11-18 or 26 or older Caucasian males or females surveyed. Of the 32 surveyed, there were 2 minority males 11-18 and 5 minority males 19-25, 2 minority females 11-18, and 5 minority females 19-25 years of age. There were no minority males or females 26 or older surveyed.
               At Alfred State College there were a total of 10 Caucasian males surveyed. Out of the 10 Caucasian males surveyed, 4 showed no emotion, 0 felt a positive emotion to the photo, 6 felt a negative emotion, and 4 felt no emotion at all. Out of the 10 surveyed they indicated that 3 strongly disagreed, 2 disagreed, 4 were neutral, 0 agreed and 1 strongly agreed with the picture.  A total of 60% showed a negative reaction. 40% showed no reaction. 30% strongly disagreed, 20% disagreed, 40% neutral and 10% strongly agreed.
               At Alfred State College, there were a total of 8 Caucasian females surveyed. There were 7 that felt a negative emotion and 1 felt no emotion. 6 strongly disagreed, 1 disagreed, 1 neutral. A total of 88% showed a negative reaction and 12% was neutral. 70% strongly disagreed, 13% disagreed and 12 % were neutral.
                At Alfred State College, there were a total of 7 minority males surveyed. All seven felt a negative emotion toward the photo. 4 strongly disagreed, 3 disagreed and 1 remained neutral. A total of 100% showed a negative reaction.  57% strongly disagreed, 29% disagreed, and 14% was neutral.
                At Alfred State College, there were a total of 7 minority females surveyed. The minority females were consistent. All of the 7 felt a negative emotion toward the photo and all of the 7 strongly disagreed with the photo.  A total of 100% felt a negative reaction. 100% strongly disagreed.
                 At the high school, there were a total of 23 Caucasian males surveyed. 19 felt a negative emotion, 3 felt no emotion, and 1 felt a positive emotion toward the photo. 8 strongly disagreed, 6 disagreed, 3 were neutral, 3 agreed and 4 strongly agreed. 83% felt a negative emotion, 12% felt no emotion and 4% felt a positive emotion. 36% strongly disagreed, 24% disagreed, 12% were neutral, 12% agreed, and 16% strongly agreed.
                At the high school, there were a total 28 Caucasian females were surveyed. 23 felt a negative emotion, 5 felt no emotion toward the photo. 14 strongly disagreed, 6 disagreed, 6 were neutral, 1 agreed and 1 strongly agreed. A total of 82% felt a negative emotion and 18% felt no emotion. 50% strongly disagreed, 21% disagreed, 21% were neutral, 4% agreed, and 4% strongly agreed.


The hypothesis for my research study was, “Do pickup tailgate illustrations affect people positively or negatively?”  In this study the males and females had similar reactions toward the photo.  College age students were the most consistent with the results of negative emotions and feelings of intensity toward the photo. 60% of the Caucasian males felt negative emotions and 50% disagreed. 88% of the Caucasian females felt negative emotions and 88% disagreed. 100% of the minority males felt negative emotions and 100% disagreed. 100% of the minority females felt negative emotions and 86% disagreed. Of the minority males and females polled they were the most consistent in their negative emotions and intensity with a 100% negative response.
      Surveying the high school age students indicated the largest range of emotion and intensity. 83% of the Caucasian males felt negative emotions and 60% disagreed.  82% of the Caucasian females felt negative emotions and 71% disagreed. There seemed to be an indicated that the younger the age groups the less negative emotion and intensity was felt.
       Strengths of this study were: there was a wide variety of age groups that participated, ranging from 11 years to 60 years of age. There was a broad variety of educational majors that offered a large sampling of different educational viewpoints and willingness to participate and actively answer questions honestly. The study included two different data gathering sites, selected from potentially 3,549 different participants.
     Weaknesses of the study were: although it was conducted in two different sites, both sites were very rural areas.  It was difficult to include a good size sampling of minority males or females because the area was predominately Caucasians.  Even though there was a potential for a large sampling for the study, which would have improved the data deductions, a small sample of 83 participants was achieved. 
   Further research has been indicated. Recommendations would be: poll from a metropolitan geography, increase the minority participation, increase sampling size and more closely compare emotions and intensity considering age ranges. Including a picture of a different gender inequality in a photo could possibly provide different reactions.

Works Cited

Barrett, L. F., Robin, L., Pietromonaco, P. R., & Eyssell, K. M. (1998). Are women the "more emotional sex?" Evidence from emotional experiences in social contextCognition and Emotion, 12, 555-578.

CNN Video (2013, September 7). Would this Make you Call the Cops? Retrieved from

Dalebroux, A., Goldstein, T., & Winner, E. (2008). Short-term mood repair through art-making: Positive emotion is more effective than venting, 1-8. Retrieved from

Fisher, R., & Dub, L. (2005). Gender Differences in Responses to Emotional Advertising: A Social Desirability Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research31(4), 850-858.Retrieved from

Martin, A.S Brett, (2003). The Influence of Gender on Mood Effects in Advertising. Psychology & Marketing. 20 (e.g. 2), pp.249-273

Moore J., David, (2007). Emotion as a Mediator of the Influence of Gender on Advertising Effectiveness: Gender Differences in Online Self-Reports. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 29 pp.203–211

Timmor, Y. and Katz-Navon, T. (2008), Being the same and different: A model explaining new product adoption. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 7: 249–262. doi: 10.1002/cb.249

Literature Review

I was searching the internet to find a subject that I felt presented an unethical situation for a class requirement. It could be in any form of media including areas in writing, painting, or live video. I discovered a report done on 9/5/2013 by Matt Hoverton from CNN introducing a new ‘concept’. A company in Waco, Texas called Hornet Signs specializes in signs and marketing and currently design and apply vehicle wrap-around advertising.  On a whim, the owner of the company decided to have the artist within the company design different types of images to stimulate reaction and possibly increase sales. The image that was highlighted during the news clip was an actual photograph taken of a female coworker, placed in the cargo section of a pickup truck. She was unidentifiable because her hair obscured her face, however she was lying down in a fetal position and her hands and feet were bound with rope. A photograph was taken of her, processed and transferred onto a plastic vehicle wrap and mounted to the closed tailgate of a pickup truck. This photograph was so convincing that when I continued to watch the video the reporter dropped the tailgate of the truck showing that it was simply an image, not a real person contained in the back of a truck. Multiple feelings began to flood my mind. I strongly disagreed with the illustration, even though I did view it as a form of art. The end of the video questioned the value of such a design and if it was detrimental.  The owner of the company stated that sales had markedly increased since displaying the new illustrations (CNN Video).
                  The viewing of the video caused me to reflect upon my own personal reaction to the vehicle design. I remembered seeing multiple vehicle wraps in the past advertising a business done in large, colorful, detailed graphics to as simple as a small mount on the driver’s door. Whether the design covered large areas of the vehicle or just a small side of the vehicle, the message I saw was intense and certainly got my attention. I began wondering what other people may think about this bound image. Would gender, age, or area of study effect their reaction? Would they experience an emotion and if so, would that emotion be positive or negative and to what intensity? Upon review of the literature there are several articles that attempt to measure some variables. 

Fisher, R., & Dub, L. (2005). . Journal of Consumer Research31(4), 850-858.Retrieved from

The main idea of this research article was gender similarities and emotional experience. After review of current literature, emotional experiences between the genders revealed mixed results. The authors set out to determine if gender makes a difference in responses to advertising. In the past, women were self-reported as being more emotional than men and found that if men were emotional, they generally expressed anger.
               In this research article, the hypothesis was “Do males and females react differently to emotional advertising?” Before the research was conducted there were a group of 32 judges that viewed 15 ads and selected 4 that in their opinion solicited a variety of emotions. The judges were undergraduate business students that did not participate in the research study. The ads were associated with emotional descriptors which included high and low, and positive and negative responses. 
            There were a total of 160 participants; 40 male and female pairs that knew each other. Participants were recruited through signs located throughout the campus of a major Northeastern university. Recruitment was accomplished by posting signs to “attract” same-gender and mixed-gender pairs to participate. The participants were randomly assigned to view the ads as pairs or individuals. After viewing each ad, participants answered a questionnaire using items from the established Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance 8 Point Scale asking questions that ranged from unhappy to contented. This self-reported scale was taken before the viewing of the ads to determine where the participants were emotionally before viewing the ads. The participants were randomly placed into viewing areas in couples, or alone to measure gender response and if social context had anything to do with their reaction. Immediately after viewing each ad, the researchers answered a six point Attitude Scale ranging from “bad” to “loved it” to measure their self-reported attitude, before viewing the next ad. The outcome of the research raised the possibility that females and males had the same emotional responses and it did not matter whether they sat with the same gender or with the opposite gender or by themselves.
             The research seemed to be well thought out and the research process did attempt to prevent many pitfalls. The students were asked to volunteer to participate and were randomly arranged however, there was no indication if their confidentiality was protected. The selection of participants was done by questionable means.  The researchers shared that signs were posted to “attract” people to participate.  It was not disclosed by the researchers what the signs actually said. They advertised for same-gender and mixed-gender couples, but did not define what this meant. The selection of participants was limited because they could only participate if they had an associate that was willing to participate as well.
           The site of the study was “a Northeastern University” which makes the reader wonders why they did not disclose the site. The researchers did not share if confidentiality was maintained and how they kept responses properly assigned for later tabulation. The group that determined which ads would fall into which category were undergraduate business students. They did not participate in the study, but the group did all belong to a school of business and the validity of their opinions about emotional responses to the ads is questionable, as their field of study could have skewed their opinions. The research was vague about actual participants, and did not indicate their ages (assumed to be college age) or majors which could have had an impact on their emotional impressions of the ads. The use of the established scales was a good strategy as well as being sure that each participant viewed the ads and then immediately completed the emotional response scale before moving on to view the next ad. Having couples participate that already had knowledge of the other should have helped correlate if their emotions were affected when they were with someone else, but that cannot truly be assured.

Barrett, L. F., Robin, L., Pietromonaco, P. R., & Eyssell, K. M. (1998). Are women the "more emotional sex?" Evidence from emotional experiences in social contextCognition and Emotion, 12, 555-578.

This research study had 104 students sampled; 56 students from the University of Massachusetts and 48 students from Pennsylvania State University. Only 70 students chose to participate; 28 males and 42 females. They were encouraged to participate by receiving course credit and being entered into a lottery drawing for 50 dollars.
         The study wanted to know “whether sex differences and emotion are related to the social context and address differences between global, retrospective, online, momentary, and self-descriptions of emotional experience and expression.” The researchers were attempting to find out if women are more emotional than men.
         Participants were given a code number and were not identified by name to maintain confidentiality. Before entering the room the participants had to rate their mood based on a self-reported Likert Scale which ranged from "do not like at all” to “strongly agree.” The participants were brought into a laboratory setting three different times. The first time the participants were encouraged to keep records of their social interactions with other people for a week. When they came in for the second visit, the participants returned the completed record. When the participants came in the third time, the experimenter interviewed the participants to make sure they followed the directions.
        The participants completed another self-reported Likert Scale where they did a self-analysis of their social interaction that they logged for the week describing the quality and the emotion of the interaction and rated their intimacy with the person they interacted with.
         The results of the study provides some evidence that culturally, women are seen as more emotional than men but the results of this study indicated that neither men nor women are any more emotional than the other.
          The research did attempt to protect the confidentiality of the participants which is good; how participants were recruited was not indicated. The number females drastically outnumbered the male participants. This may skew the results, especially considering the fact that the researchers were attempting to determine if females react emotionally more than males.  Offering course credit and a chance at lottery money would encourage students to participate, however it could affect the outcome of the study by having participants that were motivated due to outside influences rather than desire for research.

Dalebroux, A., Goldstein, T., & Winner, E. (2008). Short-term mood repair through art-making: Positive emotion is more effective than venting, 1-8. Retrieved from

The hypothesis for this study was “can short-term moods be repaired through making art? “There were 75 participants; 53 female and 22 male ages 18-22, which were undergraduates from a Psychology Department, from the same college, and participated at random. The participants were randomly placed in 3 groups and viewed a film, “Band of Brothers Concentration Camp.” This was a film that highlighted concentration camps during WWII.  Participants were given a self-report to gauge their mood after viewing the movie.  This study implemented a chi square analysis and an Affect Grid Scale which has been shown to be valuable and reliable by repeated and consistent results use in previous research studies.
        The participants were split into three groups after viewing the film; 25 participants in each group. 25 participants were placed in a group called venting and were asked to draw art scenes that depicted their current mood, 25 participants were placed in a group called fantasizing and were asked to draw pictures depicting something that made them feel “happy”, and the control group consisted of 25 participants that were placed in a group called distracted and were asked to scan sheets of specific symbols.
        Moods were assessed using the Affect Grid Scale after each activity and the preliminary evidence suggests that the participants who drew happy pictures felt more positive and had rid themselves of negative feelings. Those who drew negative pictures maintained a negative mood and the control group had no change in mood.
                The conclusion of the study provided some evidence that when people vent by utilizing art such as drawing, they do not rid themselves of their own negative emotions, however when people who have a negative mood are asked to draw a happy picture, it requires them to fantasize.  The brain function of fantasizing is what makes the person feel better.
         One concern about this study is that the number of females was more than two times the number of males and all undergraduate students from the same field of study, psychology.  This factor may not affect the research, but is to be considered.  Random selection of participates was done, but how was not indicated and there was no indication that their confidentiality was protected in any way.  There was no pre-viewing assessment evaluating the participant’s moods so it is difficult to measure how much the film actually affected them.   

Timmor, Y. and Katz-Navon, T. (2008), Being the same and different: A model explaining new product adoption. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 7: 249–262. doi: 10.1002/cb.249

The hypothesis for this study was what affects customers to purchase new products?” The study was conducted by the Arison School of Business at a university in Herzliya, Israel. There were 158 undergraduate students that participated in the research study. A brain storming event occurred among the researchers and three students who did not participate in the study to identify the new products to be researched in the study. A pilot study was conducted among 50 students before the 158 students were polled. The researchers requested that each participant answer a questionnaire that indicated their reaction to new products: a cell phone with camera, memory stick, and a new fashion item. The fashion item was not specified by the researchers, however each participant had to identify a new fashion item of their choice and rate the item.
          The participants were asked to respond to Brewer’s self-reported 5 point Likert scale, ranging from “do not agree” to “agree”, measuring need for assimilation and need for distinctiveness. The researchers studied correlation coefficients and the variables included assimilation vs. distinctiveness (participants want what others have vs. wants to be different). Assimilation means “purchasing to belong to a larger group as a whole.” Distinctiveness means “desiring to be different.” The study did raise the possibility that when consumers are getting ready to buy a new product, the higher the number of perceived consumers that own the product, the higher the correlation of the consumer purchasing the product. The researchers did note that marketers advertise and promote products by giving the impression that everyone has or will need the product. This action by marketers skewed results of the study because participants had already been exposed to the promotion of the product, even though the items were new on the market.
         The researchers did not indicate what school of study the participants were from, what ages (assumed 18-25 years), how they were selected, what sex they were, or if their confidentiality was protected. Any of these variables could affect the outcome of the research.  The reader questions why the researchers had each participant think of and react to a new fashion item.  Possibly more consistent results would have occurred if the researchers had selected a fashion item for the participants to assess. 
Another variable that was not explored was if the participants had the financial ability to purchase the products. Being college students could affect their financial purchasing power and this variable could have affected their reaction to the product knowing that they were unable to actually purchase it. The participants may actually want the new products, but do they really need the product. This could have entered into their reaction towards the products.  
          There is an indication in all four research studies of further research needing to be done. Fisher in 2005 examined if there are gender differences in responses to emotional advertising. Barrett in 1998 examined women versus men emotional experiences within a social context. Dalebroux in 2008 examined the effect of positive art versus negative art on human emotions. Timmer in 2008 examined what factors affect the success of the marketing of a new product.
       Each research article was selected due to the concepts related to my hypothesis of “do people react positively or negatively to pick-up truck tailgate wrap-around illustrations?” Even though there is research in the literature that examines art, gender, and human emotions, there is no research related to the way wrap-around illustrations on vehicles are perceived and in turn, affect individuals. If I were to conduct my own study, I would have 100 randomly selected participants including 50 males and 50 females which would include 25 Caucasian males, 25 Caucasian females, 25 non-Caucasian males and 25 non-Caucasian females.  Within the study is a variety of age groups from 11 years of age and older, from a variety of undergraduate programs, classes, and faculty and students from a local junior/senior high school.
         For my research I would print colored still shots from the CNN video of the bound woman illustration. One still shot would be of the illustration on the pick-up tailgate when it is up. The second still shot would be of the illustration on the pick-up tailgate when it is down. I would allow participants to view the first still shot while the second still shot was hidden.  Afterwards, they would view the second still shot. The measuring tool of this study would be a self-reported, five-question, five-point Likert scale questionnaire, gathering demographic information and the participants’ emotions and their degree of emotion after viewing the still shots. The researcher feels that studying this hypothesis will be beneficial to a career in human services management.  Understanding gender and potential ethical dilemmas will enhance the researchers understanding of emotional reactions and the management of those emotions.    

Works Cited

Barrett, L. F., Robin, L., Pietromonaco, P. R., & Eyssell, K. M. (1998). Are women the "more emotional sex?" Evidence from emotional experiences in social contextCognition and Emotion, 12, 555-578.

CNN Video (2013, September 7). Would this Make you Call the Cops? Retrieved from

Dalebroux, A., Goldstein, T., & Winner, E. (2008). Short-term mood repair through art-making: Positive emotion is more effective than venting, 1-8. Retrieved from

Fisher, R., & Dub, L. (2005). . Journal of Consumer Research31(4), 850-858.Retrieved from

Timmor, Y. and Katz-Navon, T. (2008), Being the same and different: A model explaining new product adoption. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 7: 249–262. doi: 10.1002/cb.249

Manager Interview

Management Interview

Professor Dianne Tuzzolino

Lynnette Lockwood

December 15, 2013

 Table of Contents

 Introduction: Management
Hillside Family of Agencies

Middle Management

Decision-Making, Planning, Communication

Managing Workers


Leadership Style

Structural Design

SWOT Assessment

360-Degree Feedback/Evaluations


Works Cited

Appendix A: Questions Asked During this Interview

 Chris Brown

Assistant Program Manager

Hillside Children’s Center


Management is the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human resources to achieve goals efficiently and effectively. Efficiency is the development of goals and testing them to see how effective they are. Effectiveness is the degree to which goals are met with due to correct action and skills. There are 4 goals to great management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning is selecting goals and creating a plan to achieve it. Organizing involves establishing a task and then selecting strong management relationships that allow people to work together to achieve objectives. Leading involves managers to motivate, coordinate, energize, and help the workers understand the roles, create harmony, and perform at a high level. Controlling involves accurately measuring and monitoring how well goals have been met. Goals have to predetermined, have a specific plan and allocate funds (Jones and George, 2011).
        Ms. Brown is the Assistant Program Manager at Hillside Children’s Center and has been with the agency 17 years with 7 years in a management position. She became interested in this career in high school when she took the ACE course, Introduction to Psychology through Corning Community College. When she attended college at Elmira College for four years she majored in Psychology and Criminal Justice with a minor in Human Services. Brown started at the agency as a Youth and Family Development Specialist and progressed to a position of Primary Family Specialist and then progressed to a management position in case management. She is currently obtaining a Master’s Degree in Human Services from the University of Pittsburgh (Brown, 2013).

Hillside Family of Agencies:

Hillside Family of Agencies is one of the largest non-profit agencies in New York State located for 175 years in Rochester, New York. Hillside is available to its clients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Using a budget of more than $120 million per year, Hillside provides more than 120 services to children and families at more than 40 locations across Western and Central New York and in Prince George's County, Maryland and is accredited by the Council on Accreditation.  Hillside retains more than 2,200 staff members who provide a variety of services to more than 12,000 families on an annual basis. Hillside provides individualized health, education, and human services in partnership with children, youth, adults, and their families through an integrated system of care. The organization offers multiple programs such as: adoption, early childhood development, customized services, education and day treatment, developmental disabilities, services for youth, home and community based services, detention services, outpatient treatment, residential, foster care, and youth development. Hillside adoption services specialize in infant, international, and special-needs adoptions. Early childhood development offers neighborhood and home-based services that support and enhance the development of children from birth to five years of age. Customized Services develop services
on an individual basis that meets the needs and strengths of children, families, and communities.
Educational and day treatment serve youth, ages 3-21, who are experiencing school-related and/or family challenges. Developmental Disabilities provide support for community-based or at-home care. Community based services send staff to visit families in the home for support in resolving challenges. Detention Services evaluate youth waiting for due process in family court by addressing medical and psychological issues. Outpatient treatment provides crisis intervention, individual/family/group psychotherapy, diagnostic evaluation, and assessment. Residential treatment offers care for children and adolescents with severe emotional challenges 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The foster care makes connections between trained and experienced foster parents and children in need.  The youth development provides school and home-based that cares for at-risk youth to stay in school and achieve academic success” (
       Brown has an immediate supervisor who oversees the Hillside’s local satellite office and those manager answers to the CEO and the Hillside Board of Directors located in the Rochester, N.Y. office.  Brown is third in the line of command under a CEO and the top manager. Brown’s position is middle management. This agency handles approximately 150 children by 15 workers averaging 10 children per case load per worker per week.  Some workers may carry more or less depending upon the intensity of each case (Brown, 2013).

Middle Management

Middle management is responsible for multiple responsibilities and must focus on effective management of resources and supporting other workers. Brown as a manager is responsible for organizing and facilitating all management meetings. She calculates time cards that include routine work time, on-call time and mileage accumulated due to driving to meetings and home visits. She directly supervises staff that coordinates 1:1 foster skill building.  She is responsible for performance appraisals that include verbal and written warnings, as well as interviewing new hires and dismissing inadequate workers. She has a case load of her own to carry that has direct supervision of the foster children, the home they are placed within and the foster parents.  If any of the staff are ill, on vacation or absent she is responsible to provide coverage for those families. She takes telephone referrals of potential foster children and does intake interviews about each child and is on call over weekends on a rotation basis (Brown, 2013).
      Brown is also responsible for staff performance supervision, interviews, contacting other agencies related to services needed, making referrals, doing county and state audits. Brown continuously evaluates which workers are the most appropriate match for which child and who can provide the best level of care while meeting that child’s specific needs. Documentation of all care and evaluation of the outcome of that care ensures that documentation is kept up to date and thorough for each county level (Brown, 2013).
     Brown aides the organization to identify children that require advanced levels of care to determine if outsourcing or partnership with other agencies is needed. This generates a higher cost of care provided. She determines what referrals require an immediate response and how satisfied Hillside will be considering the financial constraints. The decision is always placing the child in the best level of care required, while also considering financial reimbursement levels (Brown, 2013).
      The middle management responsibilities for Hillside are numerous but the main focuses are: selection of the most appropriate worker to take the case of a new client and considering the most appropriate services to meet the client’s needs for the best price. The manager needs to experienced and able to make quality decisions and handle stressful situations of downsizing while increasing quality of services. Maintenance of quality would include: role modeling, on the job training and close supervision of workers. Motivating workers can be difficult and an important aspect of the job.  Managers have to be good organizers and time efficient to be able to coordinate all the facets of the job. The difficulty that Brown deals with is that the organization expects her to be a top, middle and worker position simultaneously. She is expected to carry out top management decisions frequently, do her own middle management position and carry a client case load as well.  The rewards to this type of management style are higher financial margins of profit for Hillside, but blurs workers’ line of duty (Brown, 2013).   
        Workers can become confused by thinking Brown is one of them because she carries a case load like they do, but go to her with their middle management mentoring questions as well.  Workers become frustrated and impatient because they do not realize that there is limited time for Brown to complete all the expectations. Experienced managers are required to deal with downsizing while facilitating a high work performance from the workers. The manager can become overloaded, have limited time to deal with nuisance situations, and are required to make fast and efficient decisions.  The outcomes of a decision can be difficult to predict because of the constant change of the clients’ needs and what is right today may not be right tomorrow (Jones and George, 2011).

Decision-Making, Planning, and Communicating

There are several important concepts that a manager needs to do well that include: decision- making, planning, and communicating. Decision-making includes utilizing a programmed response, and following rules and guidelines driven by the rational model. Programmed decision making has a routine, and contains automatic regulations that follow expected rules and guidelines. The rational model of decision-making has six steps. The first step is recognizing a need for a decision, generating alternatives, assessing alternatives, choosing among alternatives, implementing the chosen decision/alternative, and learning from feedback.  An exceptional manager should be able to determine a need for a decision. Generating alternatives are possible courses of action for a need, assessing alternatives examining the legal, practical, ethical, and economic feasibility of the chosen course of action. Once all the pros and cons are determined the course of action that is the most feasible should be chosen. Implementation is accomplished and then an evaluation of the outcome occurs to derive why the goal was or was not met, and to determine guidelines for future decision-making (Jones and George, 2011).
      Planning at Hillside is done in a business-level management style incorporating a time horizon. Business-level planning has long-term goals and outlines specific methods to compete against rivals such as: Kinship, Pathways, and New Directions. The time horizon is carefully calculated and defines the period of time that the plan is to be accomplished. Hillside uses both standing plans, which are used for routine and repetitive occurrences such as children intakes, and single use plans that are done on an individual bases and are specific to each child’s particular needs (Brown, 2013).    
      Communicating involves managing by objectives and setting goals. The organization’s goals are determined by the CEO, top manager and middle manager. Communication of all goals occurs through face to face interaction, email, personal written communications, conference calling, and impersonal written announcements (Jones and George, 2011).  

 Managing Workers 

Brown applies a combination style of technical and human skills management. Technical skills involve job specific altering, leading, and controlling of workers’ behavior. This involves communicating and motivating individuals to complete tasks. Her job includes multiple roles with pressures producing high levels of stress. Some of these pressures come from: customers, competitors, economics, and suppliers. The customers are the biological parents and the children being served, the competitors are Kinship, Pathways, and New Directions, suppliers include Child Protective Services (CPS), persons in need of supervision (pins), probation, and the courts and economic pressure is the funds that come from the three counties; Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Chautauqua that this Hillside satellite office serves (Brown, 2013).     
            Every manager needs to function and manage outside forces from multiple sources that add challenge to the work environment. These forces would include: pressure from customer, technology, competitors, economics, suppliers, and from political/legal (Jones and George, 2011).  


Anyone that works for an organization like Hillside knows the mission statement expects everyone that works for this organization to exercise ethical aspects in all areas of their work. There are multiple gray areas that make determining the best ethical decision difficult.  Being ethical means making reasonable decisions that are found by general society as acceptable behavior and an unethical decision gains at the expense of hurting others (Brown, 2013).   
      A manager when making a decision making an ethical decision takes into account the impact that it will have upon the major stakeholders of that organization such as the managers, workers, customers, suppliers, the local community, and society.  This organization has firm standards, laws, customs, practices, norms, and values. A human services worker employed by Hillside has a code of ethics as defined by the human services profession which details how to behave and are influenced by their own personal code of ethics that was derived from family, peers, and their own personal upbringing. Society adds pressure through standards, laws, customs, practice, norms and values (Jones and George, 2011).    

 Leadership Styles  

There are multiple leadership styles that Brown utilizes within her leadership role. She has legitimate power, coercive power, expert power, and reverent power.  Legitimate power hires, assigns, and monitors workers and praises performance.  She mentors, supervises, and distributes evaluation appraisals to workers and she can exercise coercive power by making treats of punishment. The upper management encourages the use of authoritarian management style utilizing negative reinforcement by all levels to correct and monitor workers’ on the job behavior. This creates a negative environment and causes the workers to feel resentful and they may even seek revenge towards their upper management. There is no constructive recourse for the workers because they are non-unioned, there is limited ability to obtain a pay raise, minimum promotions available, and there are no bonuses (Jones and George, 2011).   
       The Hillside Organization attempts to balance the negative appraisal style of leadership by utilizing the 360-degree performance appraisals and feedback. While using this style, any worker’s performance is appraised by a variety of sources. These sources could include: supervisors, peers, self, subordinates, customers, and clients. Everyone that affiliates with Hillside is included utilizing an anonymous evaluation within the appraisal process.  Each manger in turn meets personally with each worker and discusses the appraisal together.  The major downfall for this type of assessment is that each affiliate must feel trust on every level of the organization. Brown states that she uses encouragement and positive reinforcement, but the threat of ongoing assessment is constantly present. Great leaders possess certain skills such as: listening skills, encourage change, trustworthy integrity, remaining calm in stressful situations, confidence in abilities, patience, competence, and inspire others (Tracy, 2013).
     Brown has expert power because of her experience working in this job for several years. She exercises this power by role modeling to other workers and gives them direction when assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating a client’s care. To improve all workers skill levels they are encouraged to attend approximately 30 hours per year of educational training (Brown, 2013).   
      Reverent power is showed by the management when she communicates to the workers that she is interested, has concern, and gets to know the employees personally.  This technique works well, but needs to be limited so that workers do not feel that one is being favored over another. Brown demonstrates that she has low employee-centered behavior, and high job-oriented behavior (Brown, 2013).     

 Structural Design

Hillside is made up of several structures: divisional, matrix, authority, mechanistic, and network. The divisional structure produces goods and services for the foster children. Hillside’s impact is widespread geographically over three counties and market to a variety of customers. This structure works well because it takes a team approach to focus on a single service (Gillikin, 2013). The organization uses a matrix structure because it is flexible. There are multiple children moving in and out of the organization’s services and speed is critical to the organization. If the organization does not move fast enough a rival competitor could take over the client’s case.  The authority part of the structure utilizes a strong chain of command that ensures that everyone associated with Hillside progresses through the system by levels of management. The mechanistic part of the structure is driven by the external environment which is the foster children. It has a narrow span of control, it has a tall and vertical structure with hierarchical layers, it is centralized with power maintained at the top of the organization, high degree of formalization with lots of standardizations, rules and procedures and decision-making is decentralized (Williams, 2012).The network structure is if a child comes into the agency and has a deep psychological problem and all the services are filled then Hillside can contract with another agency to work with the client for a specific price. Subcontracting is allowed but outsourcing must be limited due to the drastic increase in cost (Brown, 2013).

SWOT Assessment

Hillside has multiple strengths. Their goals are to respect all people by accepting diverse thoughts, ideas, and opinions to build a strong, culturally competent, and inclusive community. Their goal is to empower everyone through individuals, families, and team decision-making processes through strong leadership. They strive to create partnerships with children, youth, parents, and families as partners. The Hillside organization has multiple opportunities to make children’s lives better and ultimately improve society. The services that they offer are diverse, a variety of levels of intensity, easily accessible, boundaryless and outsources (Brown, 2013).
                   The weaknesses are the multiple levels of management that are expected of the middle management personnel. This allocation to employees to fill multiple roles simultaneously is not efficient and makes the manager less effective. The manager becomes overwhelmed, impatient with multiple questions and contacts from workers and does not have sufficient time to organize, plan, implement or evaluate their expected duties (Brown, 2013).
      There are multiple threats to the success of the Hillside Organization which would include: decreased regulations, rivalry between outside organizations, power of the suppliers and customers, and substitution of a product. Hillside does outsourcing of services so working well with these other agencies is crucial. Not having rivalry between organizations keeps the professional relationship healthy and makes Hillside more effective and efficient when they cooperatively coordinate services with other agencies. The recognition that the children within their care can exercise their autonomy and file complaints related to the care they are receiving is possible.  Generally children being cared for by the agency do not have a lot of autonomy, but their input is considered. The foster parents that are raising and supporting these children have input related to the success of the services offered. The courts and Child Protective Services (CPS) are other customers and suppliers that require satisfaction of adequate services, in a timely manner, and at a reasonable price.  There is always the threat that if Hillside charges too much for the services they offer or offer poor quality services, they could lose potential clients and other agencies could take advantage of the situation and absorb their customers and suppliers (Brown, 2013).
        If the county and/or NYS regulations were be decreased many more agencies that offer similar services could be developed. Currently in the region that Brown works there are other agencies that do similar services such as Pathways, Kinship and New Directions. The threats to the Hillside organization are: the rivalry between organizations, and decreasing of regulations allowing more competitive agencies to develop.  The power of the suppliers such as CPS is a threat because they could assign the children over to other agencies for care if they are dissatisfied with Hillside. This is when a rival organization can increase their work load and Hillside loses revenue. The final threat is substitution of current services for lower quality. The charges for the care and quality depend on the organization and Hillside is viewed as being more expensive but that does not necessarily reflex that the rival organizations have better care or quality even though it may have a better price. It is difficult to always have a better cost with differentiation. As a manager Brown decisions must follow rules, guidelines and the code of ethics to balance cost with quality differentiation on a daily basis.  Quality develops by continuing education, which is encouraged and close supervision of workers (Brown, 2013).  

360-Degree Feedback:

The 360-degree feedback method is used by Hillside at every level of employment. This style of evaluation includes: direct feedback from an employee's subordinates, peers, and supervisor(s), as well as a self-evaluation. Hillside also includes feedback from external sources, such as customers and suppliers or other interested stakeholders. The results from 360-degree evaluations are used as work appraisals to give feedback to workers to help plan and map their specific paths for improvement and further personal development. Although pay increases can be limited within the Hillside organization the 360-degree feedback evaluations are used in making administrative decisions related to pay and promotions (Jones and George, 2013).


Hillside is an extremely well organized, efficient and effective agency.  It has a good reputation and providing excellent care to all of their customers and clients. The workers have the opportunity to really make a difference in children’s lives. It appears that the workers are satisfied with the organization, but some frustrations are present.  To have management levels work successfully there needs to be clear lines of authority, responsibility and support.  The middle management position functioning in more than one role simultaneously is exhausting and confusing for everyone. Human service jobs can routinely be overwhelming and stressful considering the issues that they work with on a daily basis.  Clear cut lines of management are a must and workers are more likely to be motivated to do their job which will result in higher performance.
         The 360-degree evaluation process is a good method to use with this organization. It empowers all people involved in the process, giving each the ability to evaluate and voice their viewpoints to motivate constructive change. Good interpersonal relationships, growth through self-development and being productive can have a direct effect on the organization to make great services even better.
         Brown advises that anyone that desires to be successful in any level of management needs to remember that the responsibility ultimately falls on them and it is a stressful job. They need to consider political ramifications with each action and learn to balance budgets. Brown stated that even though her middle management position can be challenging she feels: empowered, “in the know”, more actively involved in facilitating change, contributes to policy making and has more control over quality improvements (Brown, 2013). 

                                                         Works Cited

Brown, C. (2013, October 15). Assistant Program Manager, Hillside Children’s Center. Personal Interview.

Gillikin, Jason. "Advantages & Disadvantages of Divisional Organizational Structure." Small Business. N.p., 4 Aug. 2012. Web. 9 Dec. 2013.

Jones, Gareth R., and George, Jennifer M. Essentials of Contemporary Management. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011. Print.

Tracy, Brian. "Management Skills- What Makes a Good Leader, Leadership Qualities." Brian Tracy. N.p., 5 Apr. 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2013.

 Williams, Diana D. "Leadership - Mechanistic and Organic Organizational Structures."Ezinearticles. N.p., 23 July 2012. Web. 9 Dec. 2013. Mechanistic-and-Organic-Organizational-Structures&id=7422850.