Thursday, September 29, 2011


      Physical dependence is when a person is dependent on a drug and has developed a tolerance to a drug. The person has to take more and more of the drug to get the same effect. The body can experience withdrawal if the user goes a long time without the drug in their system. Some of the symptoms of withdrawal are headaches, nausea, irritability, cramps, and shaking. Fred has been a drinker for many years, but as the years passed he found he needed to drink more to get any effect. One night he was arrested and placed in jail for DWI. Fred began to experience symptoms of withdrawal.
       Psychological dependence is when the user believes that the drug is needed to have emotional and psychological well being. There are no withdrawal effects but craving for the drug continues. When Fred was jailed even though the alcohol had metabolized out of his body and the physical symptoms had disappeared he continued to crave for the alcohol and desired to start the same process all over again.
       I think that psychological dependence is harder to change than physical dependence. Psychological dependence is when the drug has altered the users psyche to the point where they feel they can not do life without it. I believe it would be much harder to cope.

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