Friday, September 30, 2011

Pay Schedule

   This job scenario represents a factory line piecework style of production. There are four styles of worker schedule reinforcements. One is the fixed interval schedule. The worker would most likely speed up before getting a paycheck and slow down after being paid. The variable interval schedule is when the boss would decide when to give the workers their paycheck with no predictability. The workers would probably do a good job because they never know when they will be getting a paycheck, but a continuous flow of production could be unpredictable. The fixed ratio schedule is when the worker receives a paycheck at the same time, every time on a regular preplanned schedule. Production is consistent and timely because the worker knows exactly when they will be paid for their work production. The variable ratio schedule is when the worker gets paid at a different time intervals. Workers production can be unpredictable and there can be a speed up or slow down in production.
   The best pay schedule is the fixed ratio. In this type of payment schedule the workers never guess when they will be paid and therefore their work is fast and more efficient because they know at the end of a certain period of time they will be rewarded for their work production.

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