Thursday, September 29, 2011


A perceptual illusion is an object that deceives the senses or the mind, appearing to exist as one thing but really is another. A trick to the eye your might say. I have had many experiences with illusions during my high school Geometry class. There are many problems in Geometry that need to be worked out to reach a correct conclusion. In the past I was never really sure about the length of a line in geometry, for example in triangles. Are the sides truly equal or do they just appear visually to be equal. I consistently measured each line before I would come to a conclusion if the lines truly were the same length or just appeared that way. Before reading this chapter in my psychology book I was under the impression that is was just an issue that I may have of not being able to visually discern the difference. Now after reading this material and thinking about how to apply the concepts I understand that I was experiencing a natural visual phenomenon known as an illusion.

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