Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Good communications is the key to a successful manager and consequently a successful company. A manager that makes workers feel connected, “in the loop”, indicates confidence in their workers’ abilities and clear expectations are vital.
A manager needs to be connected to the board of directors where communications flow from the board and back to the board. This information and vision for future goals as directed by the board is shared with all employees. A manager needs to introduce themselves, organize meet and greets, and remain professional which will engage the workers. A sudden shift in leadership can be stressful; however it can instill hope that change will provide improvements.
It is vital for the leader to get important news out quickly, consult regularly with middle managers, listen to employees’ ideas and suggestion and take action upon those suggestions if feasible.
An informal meeting with all employees could be held to gather feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the former CEO. The new CEO should consult with financial advisors to develop a budget and then meet with different members from each department to help organize a strategic plan. This plan should include a timeline of goals, sales figures, future forecast and outline of how to achieve the goals.
To continue the flow in communications schedule regular meetings, produce newsletters, post information on bulletin boards, provide an employee suggestion box, send emails and intranet messages, create online videos and develop relationship-building workshops.

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