Sunday, May 4, 2014

Similarities and Differences of the Dark Side in Leadership

Transformational leaders versus leaders who have gone to the dark side.
Similarities: Bold, Imaginative, Diligent
Differences: Dark side Characteristics: (disengages followers, lacks individual considerations, builds mistrust in the organization, and disempowers their followers).
Distrustful of followers and seeks signs of disloyalty
Lacks concern for followers
Poor communicators and withdrawn
Requires admiration from followers
Erratic decision-making causes followers to question their agendas
Does not make decisions and lacks follow thru
Cannot build a team spirit with followers
Does not credit followers
Desires being the center of attention
Unethical and feels they do not have to follow the rules
Disempowers their followers

Transformational Leadership Characteristics: (engages their followers, shows individual consideration, builds trust within the organization, engages the organization, and moves their followers forward).
Shows genuine concern for followers
Accessible to followers
Acquires admiration from followers
Loyalty from followers
Respect from followers
Creates a shared vision
Delegates to followers
Makes decisions and takes action
Maintains confidentiality
Develops and coaches followers
Gives credit to followers
Emphasize values
Empower followers

McDonough, M. (2010, May 20). Four Major Characteristics of Transformational Leadership. Bright Hub. Retrieved April 21, 2014, from

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