Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Dark Side DQ

  1.  Considering the various aspects that cause the darker side of leadership to occur - share with the class your perceptions of what causes leaders to go to the darker side?

I believe that what makes a person go to the darker side has to do with their personality. People are born with certain characteristics and many people who are seeking a leadership position utilize their personality traits to advance themselves. Once they are in the position then they exhibit these characteristics more clearly and many leaders are not interested in how they appear to others or what others say about them because they are now in the power position.

2    2. Share with the class what actions organizational members take when they realize that a leader is trying to take an organization to the darker side?

I am in this club where the leader has an “I do not care what you think attitude” and it almost gives the club the feeling of a dictatorship. I have noticed that the members do not want to get involved with the action or speak up about issues they have because they feel that their voice really does not matter. Members have the attitude of why bother if the officers are going to overrule all the members and make the final decision anyway. The club projects closed-mindedness, negative feeling towards the leader and the member feel  they will be judged by the leader and cannot really be themselves. 

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